

There are currently a wide range of recruitment opportunities available within South Yorkshire Police.


Click on the relevant link below to find out more:


Police Officers

Police constable recruitment is open until the end of this month! If you don’t have a degree, you can apply via our PCDA programme. If you have a degree already, then consider applying via the DHEP route.


Special Constables

Also recruiting for Special Constables, who are volunteers with the same powers as police officers. You wear the same uniform and are issued with the same protective equipment including handcuffs. You are required to have an understanding of the law and various police procedures.


Special Constables volunteer for a minimum of 16-hours a week and are a vital link between the police and the communities they serve.


Applications are open until 30 June 2023. Visit the website to find out more:


Police Staff

Working for the police doesn’t necessarily mean being a police officer. There are many varied roles that support the vital work of officers and serve the public. TO check out the latest police staff vacancies, click here.