MP Marie Tidball welcomes in the new year with a visit to Ecclesfield Parish Council
In Early January Marie Tidball MP visited the Parish Council to share ideas and look at what was happening in the coming months. Discussions were also had into how we could work together moving forward.
Pictured from left to right Cllr John Housley, Cllr Michael Levery, Cllr Alan Hooper, Cllr Adam Hurst, MP Marie Tidball, Cllr Andy Bainbridge, Cllr Susan Davidson, Cllr Carol Levery, Clerk Andrew Towlerton, Cllr, Alan Woodcock, Cllr Rob Reiss
Service of Remembrance 2024
Ecclesfield Parish Council’s Service of Remembrance, in conjunction with the Royal British Legion, took place on Saturday 9th November 2024. The service was well attended by members of the public. Mrs Amy Cooper, a Deputy Lieutenant of South Yorkshire representing the Lord-Lieutenant from South Yorkshire, Dame Hilary Chapman led the laying of the wreaths.
The service was led by Rev Rick Stordy, with readings from members of the Royal British Legion and senior students Scarlet and Jack from Ecclesfield School. The Ecclesfield School band provided the music for the service.
We would like to thank everyone who contributed to the service and those who attended.
Mrs Amy Cooper, a Deputy Lieutenant of South Yorkshire and Chairman of Ecclesfield Parish Council Councillor Susan Davidson laying wreaths in the Parish Memorial Garden.
Past Chairman’s Day – October 2024
Our current Chairman, Cllr Susan Davidson invited our previous Chairman for the re-opening of Chambers after its refurbishment. All past Chairmen were presented with chairman’s pins for dedicated service. The attendees are pictured above from left to right as follows. Cllr John Housley, Howard House, Jonathan Jones, Mick Appleby, Carol Ansell, Cllr Denise Fearnley, Chairman Cllr Susan Davidson, Chris Birkby, Cllr Alan Hooper, Cllr Victoria Bowden and Garry Weatherall.
Chairman’s Awards September 2024
Daniel and Callum Caine receiving awards for volunteering at local communities events from the Chairman Cllr Susan Davidson and Cllr John Housley.
The Chairman Of Ecclesfield Parish Council Cllr Susan Davidson speaking at the Chapeltown Station Celebration organised by Chapeltown Forum on 18th September 2024.
The Chairman enjoys a summer of galas across the Parish
Chairman Cllr Susan Davidson enjoyed attending many galas across the Parish throughout summer, along with other councillors and Parish Council staff. Here are some of the highlights from the Ecclesfield Gala, where Chairman Susan Davidson awarded the trophy at the car show there. Also pictured is Chairman Cllr Susan Davidson with Keith Haddon and his hedgehog (named Walter) at Chapeltown Fayre.
105th Sheffield Scout HQ Opening Event – July 2024
The 105th Sheffield Scout Group opened their brand new Headquarters on Pack Horse Lane on the 27th July 2024. The Chairman of Ecclesfield Parish Council Councillor Susan Davison, along with Parish Councillors Alan Hooper, Denise Fearnley and Michael Levery attended. Deputy Lord Mayor Safiya Saeed, Sheffield City Councillor Ann Whitaker, along with PSCO Karen Yates also attended the grand opening. They were joined by Scouts Rowan Henwood , Kassidy Gardner, Sophia Eeles and Scout Leader Robert Thurlby.
Chairman’s Awards 2024
Over the past few months, The Chairman Of Ecclesfield Parish Council Councillor Susan Davidson handed out Chairman’s Awards to people who have made a contribution to our Parish.
Jenny Lindop received a Chairman’s Award for dedication and commitment to serving the Parish of Ecclesfield, particularly the adorable crochet dolls she made and donated.
Police Constable Jarrod Yeardley (right) along side Sergeant Matt Cook received his Chairman’s Award for his fantastic dedication and commitment to serving the parish of Ecclesfield.
Lee Mansell received his Chairman’s Award for his exceptional help and guidance in the planning and delivery of the event held on Thursday 6th June at Ecclesfield Park to mark the 80th Anniversary of the D-Day Landings.
The Chairman of Ecclesfield Parish Council Councillor Susan Davidson pictured along side with Councillor Alan Hooper, gave Grenoside Litter Pickers their award in recognition of the beautiful green spaces they have created and maintained, championing the environment and helping make Grenoside a lovely area for the community.
Police Constable Jamie Congreve received his Chairman’s Award for his fantastic dedication and commitment to serving the parish of Ecclesfield.
Chairman presents awards at Ecclesfield Scout Group AGM
Chairman Councillor Susan Davidson & Cllr Andy Bainbridge attended the Ecclesfield scout group AGM on Saturday 6th July
Chairman Councillor Susan Davidson presenting the Ecclesfield Scouting group with their winning ‘Tug of War’ trophy from our D-Day event held in Ecclesfield park on 6th June
Chairman Susan Davidson presenting Mason with the Marsland Cub Trophy
Ecclesfield Parish Council’s Chairman’s Civic Service – Sunday 14th April 2024
This year’s Ecclesfield Parish Council’s Civic Service was held at the Methodist Church, Chapeltown on Sunday 14th April 2024.
Chairman Councillor Susan Davidson (bottom centre) with the Lord Mayor of Sheffield Councillor Colin Ross and the Lady Mayoress, along with Ecclesfield Parish Councillors and the Clerk of Ecclesfield Parish Council.
Warm packs – St Saviours Food Bank
Cllr Susan Davidson, Chairman of the Parish Council, handing out winter warm packs to Angus Ferguson from St Saviours Church, High Green foodbank
Chairman’s Award
Chairman Cllr Susan Davidson presents Police Sergeant Matthew Cook with a Chairman’s Award for his tremendous dedication and commitment to serving the Parish of Ecclesfield.
Chief Executive of Sheffield City Council visits the Parish Council Offices
Chief Executive of Sheffield City Council (Kate Josephs) with Councillor Susan Davidson (Chairman of the Parish Council) and local City Councillors at the Parish Council Offices at her recent visit to the Parish.
South Yorkshire Scout’s Annual Meeting
Our Chairman Cllr Sue Davidson was present at the South Yorkshire Scout’s AGM.
Chairman presents Chairman’s Youth Awards
In July, Chairman Susan Davidson honoured some of our younger Parish members in July with two Youth Chairman’s Awards. They were awarded to Shay O’Grady and Leah Walton who were both honoured for outstanding fundraising. Shay has raised over £46,000 for Bluebell Wood Children’s hospice in support of his cousin Evie who attends the hospice. Shay has lots of plans for more fundraising coming up including a triathlon and 24 hour charity football match. While Leah has fundraised over £14,000 through sponsored swimming and raffles to raise money for poorly children.
Chairman presents awards at Ecclesfield scout group AGM
Chairman Susan Davidson attended the Ecclesfield scout group AGM and presented different awards including presenting Sammy with the Scout Bob Brooks Trophy and
Elliot the Beaver Steel Trophy.
Ecclesfield Police Station reopened by our Chairman
The freshly renovated Ecclesfield Police Station has been reopened by Chairman Susan Davidson this July.
Wednesday Walkabouts continue this Spring
Chairman Susan Davidson joined the Wednesday Walkabout with our local police team and Sheffield City Council Offices around Ecclesfield. This enables easy access to Councillors, Officers and our local Police team who have a wander and a natter.
Time Capsule Burial with Burncross Action Team – 06/06/23
Burncross Action Team volunteers Brenda Hind, Ian Hutchinson, Linda Rowbottom and Sue Green buried their EPC commemorative time capsule with Chairman Susan Davidson on Burncross Rec.
Ukrainian Food Day 2023
Councillor John Housley pictured at the Ukrainian Food Day held in March at the Methodist Church, Chapeltown to support a shelter in Western Ukraine for people who have lost their homes and need temporary accommodation, food and medicine.
Chairman’s Awards 2023
At its April 2023 meeting, the Chairman of Ecclesfield Parish Council, Councillor John Housley, honoured several local people by awarding them a Chairman’s Award for the special contribution they have made to Ecclesfield Parish.
Mick King receiving an award for his achievement of raising funds for various local hospitals, and other charities.
Helen and Martin Summers receiving an award for volunteering in the community, especially in relation to Chapeltown Litter Pickers, Friends of Chapeltown Station and Chapeltown Forum.
Jenny Cartawick-Hurton receiving a joint award with her son Luca Cartawick-Hurton (not pictured) for volunteering in the community in relation to litter picking in Chapeltown and the surrounding area. Jenny also volunteers as Leader of the 33rd Beaver Group.
Keith Haddon receiving an award for volunteering in the community, especially in relation to Friends of Chapeltown Park, Chapeltown Litter Pickers and Friends of Thorncliffe Pond.
Wendy and Ed Brown receiving an award for volunteering in the community, especially in relation raising money for the Yorkshire Air Ambulance as well as being leaders of Chapeltown Methodist Church Brigades, supporters of Friends of Chapeltown Park and Leaders at Memory Lanes Dementia Group.
Annual Ecclesfield Parish Council’s Civic Service
Councillor John Housley, Chairman of Ecclesfield Parish Council, receiving an award for his work in the community at the Annual Ecclesfield Parish Council’s Civic Service held on Sunday 26th March at The Methodist Chapel, Chapeltown.
Parish Council awarded bronze award for Defence Employer Recognition Scheme.
The Parish Council has been awarded the bronze award from the Defence Employer Recognition Scheme (ERS) in recognition of its commitment to those who serve or have served in the Armed Forces, and their families.
Councillor John Housley, Leader of the Parish Council and David Rennison, President of Chapeltown Royal British Legion, signing the Armed Forces Covenant.
Caribbean Sports Club – Tree of Trees Award Presentation and Tree-Planting Ceremony.
The Vice-Chairman Councillor John Bowden and Councillor Vice Bowden with the Right Worshipful Lord Mayor of Sheffield Sioned-Mair Richards at the recent Caribbean Sports Club Trees of Trees Award Presentation and Tree Planting Ceremony
Service of Remembrance 2022
Ecclesfield Parish Council’s Remembrance Service was held on Saturday 12th November 2022, the first one since 2019 that members of the public could attend.
The service was in conjunction with The Royal British Legion and conducted by Rev Rick Stordy from St John’s Church, with readings from Rev Jill Pullan and two Senior Students, Hannah and Archie from Ecclesfield School.
We would like to thank everyone who contributed to the service and those who attended.
Chairman presenting the award to the runner up of Ecclesfield Parish Council’s Gardening Competition 2022
Chairman Councillor John Housley presenting Andrea and Millie Kenworthy with the runners up Award for Ecclesfield Parish Council’s Gardening Competition 2022.
Chairman presenting the award to the Winner of Ecclesfield Parish Council’s Gardening Competition 2022 – Best Nature Garden
Chairman Councillor John Housley presenting Anita and Martyn Gregory with the award for the Best Nature Garden.
Chairman presenting the award to the Winner of Ecclesfield Parish Council’s Gardening Competition 2022
Chairman of Ecclesfield Parish Council, Councillor John Housley presenting Phil and Elaine Kane with the Best Residential Garden Award.
Ecclesfield Parish Councillors paying their respects in memory of her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II
Councillors John Housley (Chairman of the Parish Council), Susan Davidson, Denise Fearnley and Thomas Sturgess laying flowers in memory of Her Majesty the Queen at Ecclesfield Parish Memorial Garden, Sussex Road Chapeltown on Wednesday 14 September 2022.
If anyone wishes to lay floral tributes in memory of the Queen at the Memorial Garden, you are most welcome to do so.
After the day of the funeral, flowers will be removed and placed in composting facilities in the Parish.
Chairman presents winners of awards at the Ecclesfield Scout group AGM and Jubilee tea party – June 2022
Chairman Councillor John Housley presenting Abigale with scouting award.
Chairman’s visit to Lantern Theatre, Sheffield – Saturday 2 July 2022
Chairman, Cllr John Housley attended the production of Peter Pan at the Lantern Theatre, Sheffield.
The Queen’s Knickers Competition
Chairman Cllr John Housley judging the Queen’s Knickers Competition held at Chapeltown Library over the Jubilee Celebrations.
Opening of Chapelgreen Community Fridge – Saturday 29th January 2022
Chairman Cllr John Brownrigg and Vice-Chair Cllr John Housley at the opening of Chapelgreen Community Fridge with Chapelgreen hub Coordinator Angela Woodward, Lord Mayor Gail Smith, Mayor’s Consort, CoOp Coordinator Debbie Roberts and PCSO Karen Yates.
This is a great initiative open to everyone every Saturday from 11-1 at High Green Development Trust to pick up free food and prevent food waste.
Remembrance Day 2021
Chairman Councillor John Brownrigg presenting a wreath at this year’s Remembrance service.
Chairman’s Award September 2021
Chairman Councillor John Brownrigg presents his first Chairman’s award to Thomas Tredoux for being the first cub from the 25th Ecclesfield division to complete all of his Cub Scout Badges.
Left: Chairman Councillor John Brownrigg pictured with Thomas Tredoux and Chairman of Ecclesfield Scouts Ian Potter
Right: Chairman Councillor John Brownrigg pictured presenting Thomas Tredoux with his award alongside his parents, along with fellow Councillors pictured left to right, Councillor Denise Fearnley, Councillor Alan Hooper, Councillor David Ogle, Councillor Vic Bowden, Councillor John Bowden, Councillor Kate Guest, Councillor John Housley and Councillor Carol Levery.
Chairman’s Awards March 2021
The Chairman’s Awards are given to people and groups for their outstanding commitment to the Community. This year’s awards were received socially distantly due to Covid as follows:
David Pepper: For service to Ecclesfield Parish Council Grenoside Ward, involvement in community life.
Denise Fearnley: For service to Ecclesfield Parish Council, High Green Ward, representing the community on several committees.
John Harrison: Work in the Ecclesfield community, and in the Ecclesfield In Bloom group.
Robert Marsden: Chairman of Ecclesfield in Bloom, and long-time member of Friends of Ecclesfield Park and Garden.
Julie & Paul Marshall: For their support and time given to Ecclesfield Library.
Chris Levesley (Kit): Life time involvement in Scout leading in the Grenoside area. Also involved in organisation of Grenoside Christmas tree festival.
Graham Oxley: For service to Ecclesfield Parish Council, Chapeltown Ward and President of Friends of Chapeltown Park.
Doris Denton: Long-time Secretary of Friends of Chapeltown Park, fundraiser for events in Chapeltown Park.
Diane & Anthony Round: Working for local small businesses and the community within Chapeltown.
Michelle Dickinson: Chair of Friends of Charlton Brook.
Burncross Action Team: For their work within the community, Schools and garden.
Remembrance Day Service 2020
A letter from the Deputy Lord Leftenant Christopher J Jewitt to Anthony Roebuck President of the Royal British Legion, Chapeltown Branch, praising the branch and Ecclesfield Parish Council on the success of a very different Remembrance Day Service during the pandemic this year.