Ecclesfield Neighbourhood Plan

Ecclesfield Neighbourhood Plan

Draft ‘Pre submission’ Ecclesfield Parish Neighbourhood Plan – Invitation to Comment – NOW CLOSED

(Updated 3rd September 2024)

The consultation on the draft Ecclesfield Neighbourhood Plan and associated Design Codes which took place over the summer is now closed. Thank you to everyone who gave their views.

The Parish Council is now considering the responses and anticipate that it will publish the revised draft later this year.



Draft ‘Pre submission’ Ecclesfield Parish Neighbourhood Plan – Invitation to Comment

(Updated 14th May 2024)

We have completed the pre-submission draft version of the Ecclesfield Parish Neighbourhood Plan, and we now invite YOUR comments.

The Neighbourhood Plan is a really important document, as it outlines a future vision for the Parish and includes planning policies and actions that will be used to determine the future development of the Parish, including planning applications.

There will be a consultation period during which you can respond, commencing on Tuesday 14 May 2024 and closing on Friday 12 July 2024 at 17.00 pm.

Should you wish to comment on the Plan, you can do this either by:

Wherever possible, could you please specify the policy or section to which your response relates to.

The Plan and associated Ecclesfield Design Codes, as well as other supporting documents and information can be viewed and downloaded below.

Paper copies of the Plan and a display are also usually available to view between 9.00 and 12.00 Monday to Friday at the Parish Council Offices as well as at Grenoside Reading Room, Grenoside.

Paper copies of the Plan are also available to view at Chapeltown Library and Ecclesfield Library and by appointment at the Parish Council Offices by ringing 0114 284 5095.

Please note that any contact details provided will be shared with Sheffield City Council to be used in further consultations on the Ecclesfield Parish Neighbourhood Plan, in order for the Council to fulfil its statutory obligations.

Should you have questions or queries about this please contact Parish Clerk, Andrew Towlerton, either by email at or by phone on 0114 284 5095.

Ecclesfield Parish Neighbourhood Plan – SEAHRA Screening Report & Determination – November 2024

Ecclesfield Parish Neighbourhood Plan – SEAHRA Screening Report – April 2024

Ecclesfield Parish Draft Neighbourhood Plan 2022- 2039 Regulation 14 Consultation Version

Ecclesfield Design Codes

Ecclesfield Parish Housing Needs Assessment Final Report

Ecclesfield Parish Census 2021


An important milestone has been reached in the preparation of the Ecclesfield Parish Neighbourhood Plan.

An initial draft of the Neighbourhood Plan has now been prepared. Accompanying it is a draft Design Code. The first of its kind in the city, Ecclesfield Design Codes set our clear expectations and rules about the design of new developments in the parish to make sure that it delivers suitable and sustainable development, not only for people, but also wildlife and the environment.

A copy of the initial draft of the neighbourhood plan together with the associated Ecclesfield Design Codes and Ecclesfield Parish Housing Needs Assessment can be found below:

Ecclesfield Design Codes – Final Draft

Ecclesfield Parish Neighbourhood Plan (2022-2039) Working Draft – February 2024

Ecclesfield Parish Census 2021

Ecclesfield Parish Housing Needs Assessment


Ecclesfield Parish Council together with the residents of the Ecclesfield parish and Sheffield City Council have come together to produce a Neighbourhood Plan for the whole of the Parish of Ecclesfield.

A Neighbourhood Plan is a planning document that allows the local community to shape development and influence planning in its area.


It forms part of the statutory development plan for the City of Sheffield and the policies contained within it are then used to help determine planning proposals for Ecclesfield as well as setting out a vision for the future development of the Parish.

Neighbourhood Plans forms part of the Government’s new approach to planning, which aims to give local people more of a say about the future of their area.

When preparing a Neighbourhood Plan, communities are not working from a blank piece of paper. National rules set out some important principles by which they must abide. One of these is that they must be in general conformity with national and local (i.e. Sheffield City Council) planning policies.

A Steering Group has been established to lead the process of its preparation comprising Parish Councillors and other members of the community.


For further information about the Neighbourhood Plan, please contact Andrew Towlerton, the Clerk, either via by email or telephone 0114 284 5095.


Various documents prepared in support of their preparation of the Neighbourhood Plan can be found below