***Environmental Planning Committee Meeting of Ecclesfield Parish Council*** An Environmental Planning Committee Meeting will take place at Miners Welfare Hall, High Green on Thursday 2nd December...
environmental planning meeting
***Environmental Planning Committee Meeting***
***Environmental Planning Committee Meeting*** An Environmental Planning Committee Meeting of Ecclesfield Parish Council will take place at Newton Chambers Hall on Wednesday 7th July at 6.30...
***Environmental and Planning Committee Meeting***
***Environmental and Planning Committee Meeting*** Under legislation to deal with the coronavirus emergency this meeting will be held using a remote facility. You Are Hereby Summoned to attend...
***Environmental Planning Committee Meeting 15th April 2021***
***Environmental Planning Committee Meeting*** Under legislation to deal with the coronavirus emergency this meeting will be held using a remote conference facility. You Are Hereby Summoned to...
***Environmental Planning Committee Meeting***
***Environmental Planning Committee Meeting*** Under legislation to deal with the coronavirus emergency this meeting will be held using a remote conference facility. You Are Hereby Summoned to...
***Environmental Planning Committee Meeting***
***Environmental Planning Committee Meeting*** Under legislation to deal with the coronavirus emergency this meeting will be held using a remote conference facility. You Are Hereby Summoned to...
***Environmental Planning Committee, 15th October 2020***
***Environmental Planning Committee, 15th October 2020*** Under legislation to deal with the coronavirus emergency this meeting will be held using a remote conference facility. You Are Hereby...
Environmental Planning Committee Meeting
***NOTICE OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING*** Under legislation to deal with the coronavirus emergency this meeting will be held using a remote conference facility. You Are...