Bee Squared Project

Bee Squared Project

Published 26th June 2024


Bee squared poster updating we have donated over 600 packets within the parish


Published 14th May 2024

Bee squared art work from Unity project


We have had some busy bees in our Parish just recently, especially down at the Unity Project, South Yorkshire.
As part of our Bee Squared project, we received this beautiful piece of art work and letter from a student at the project who wants to help the bees.
How lovely is this!? Thank you very much!
If you have planted your Bee Squared seeds, we would love to hear from you (


Published 18th April 2024

Our Bee Squared seeds have proved incredibly popular and we are down to the last few packets.

If you would still like to plant your own ‘Bee Square’, please email to arrange collection.

We have some more packets going out to Ecclesfield library over the next few days and we have some here at our offices.

Published 21st March 2024

 Look at our fabulous bees, they are ready to help give out wildflower seeds! 

Each free packet contains enough seeds to create 1 metre squared of wildflowers.
If you would like to create your very own ‘Bee Square’ please contact us on or call 0114 2845095.

Thank you very much to Jenny, a member of our Parish for our buzzy friends 


Photo of crochet bees and seeds

Published 20th March 2024 

Bee Squared poster giving free wildflower seeds to members and groups within the parish



Spring is here and we are very excited to launch our new ‘Bee Squared’ project 

We have over 600 free packets of wildflower seeds (with each pack providing enough seeds to grow 1 metre squared of flowers) to distribute within our Parish.

If you would like to get involved and create your very own ‘Bee Square’ then please get in touch at to register your interest!



Photo of crochet bees and seeds

Bees and other pollinator insects are in decline and in need of help. Ecclesfield Parish Council is determined to play its part in stopping their decline, especially as they are vital to both pollinate the food we need to survive and pollinate many of the trees and flowers that provide habitats for wildlife.