http:// Casual vacancy - Thorncliffe...
Notice of Casual Vacancy – Thorncliffe Ward
http://Notice of Casual vacancy - Thorncliffe...
Community Covid Bus at Thorncliffe Leisure Centre Thursday 18th November 2021
The Community Covid Bus will be at the Thorncliffe Leisure Centre on Thursday 18th November between 10.00am - 4.00pm. The friendly team can provide a whole host information and support on COVID-19...
***Ecclesfield Village History Group***
WELCOME BACK! ***Ecclesfield Village History Group*** Our next meeting will be on Wednesday 27th October, 2.00 - 4.00 pm in Ecclesfield Library We...
***Amended*** Casual Vacancies Chapeltown and High Green Wards on Ecclesfield Parish Council
Casual Vacancies for Parish Councillors in Chapeltown and High Green Wards on Ecclesfield Parish Council Do you want to serve your community? Do you have time or expertise which could...
Chapeltown Litter Pick – 10am Chapeltown Library, 10th October.
Chapeltown Litter Pickers are meeting at 10am outside Chapeltown Library this Saturday 10th. All equipment is provided and there are lots of friendly faces if it's your first time - just pop down...
***Chapeltown Litter Pickers – Local litter pick***
***Chapeltown Litter Pickers - Local litter pick*** Litter pick around Chapeltown, this Saturday 10th of October at 10am starting from Chapeltown Library car park, all equipment required will be...
***Burncross Action Team local litter pick this weekend***
***Burncross Action Team local litter pick this weekend*** Litter pick around Burncross, this Sunday 2nd of October at 10am starting from the Acorn car park, all equipment required will be...
Tree Planting Proposals
We are working with the Sheffield Community Forestry Manager on some tree planing proposals within the Parish area. These are available to view by appointment in the Parish Council foyer (due to...
Road Works – Mid August, Lound Side, Lane End, Sussex Road
Road works are due to start mid - August and last approximately 2 weeks betwen 9:30am - 3:30pm on Loundside and Lane End and between 7am - 7pm on Sussex Road Monday - Friday only. The roads will need...