***Staffing Committee Meeting of Ecclesfield Parish Council ***
Under legislation to deal with the coronavirus emergency this meeting will be held using a remote conference facility. You are Hereby Summoned to attend the Staffing Committee Meeting of Ecclesfield Parish Council at 7.00pm to be held via Zoom Video Conference on 11th November 2021.
Meeting joining instructions:
1) Download and sign up to the Zoom app on your https://zoom.us/signup
2) Enter the Meeting ID: 867 2717 6496 and then enter the Password: 790727
3) Alternatively click on the direct meeting invitation below:
4) To join via phone: +442039017895 and enter Meeting ID: 867 2717 6496 and
Password: 790727
To view the agenda please click the link below:
https://ecclesfield-pc.gov.uk/document-category/agendas/ for the Staffing Committee Meeting of Ecclesfield Parish Council for this date.