*** Environmental Planning Delegated Powers Committee Meeting of Ecclesfield Parish Council ***
You are invited to attend an Environmental Planning Delegated Powers Committee Meeting of Ecclesfield Parish Council at 6.30pm to be held via Zoom Video Conference on Thursday 17th March 2022.
Meeting joining instructions:
1) Download and sign up to the Zoom app on your PC https://zoom.us/signup
2) Enter the Meeting ID: 810 8195 3520 and then enter the Password: 538024
3) Alternatively click on the direct meeting invitation below: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81081953520?pwd=azRQL2doU0xJUThzMUxqSG5zdTMrZz09
4) To join via phone: +443300885830 and enter Meeting ID: 810 8195 3520 and Password: 538024
To view the agenda please click the link below:
https://ecclesfield-pc.gov.uk/document-category/agendas/ for the Environmental Planning Delegated Powers Committee Meeting of Ecclesfield Parish Council for this date.