
Family Nature Picnics – a huge success across the Parish

This weekend we held two family nature picnics across our Parish which were a huge success. We shared lots of information about how to be more hedgehog and nature friendly, went nature hunting, made some fabulous hedgehog pictures and even gave out lots of sweet treats.

It was wonderful to be back out in the Community again and meet so many of our lovely families. We even had little Lilly who dressed up as a bumble bee – such a little cutie. We hope that everyone had a lovely day and those of you who won your very own nature hotels, please send us some photos when they are up and in action.

Please send any photos on to and we would love to see your nature friendly garden ideas and add you all to our hedgehog honour roll!

Chapeltown Park Nature picnic day Chapeltown Park Nature picnic day stand Chapeltown Park Nature picnic dayfamily with Lilly dressed as a bumble bee Councillors at Chapeltown Park Nature picnic day Chapeltown Park Nature picnic day cOUNCILLORS WITH LOCAL POLICE TEAM  AT Chapeltown Park Nature picnic day Grenoside Park Nature picnic day Cpuncillors and Community Coordinator at Grenoside Park Nature picnic day Family enjoying a picnic at Grenoside Park Nature picnic day