- This event has passed.
***Staffing Committee Meeting of Ecclesfield Parish Council ***
24 February, 2022 @ 11:00 am - 1:00 pm GMT
***Staffing Committee Meeting of Ecclesfield Parish Council ***
You are Hereby Summoned to attend the Staffing Committee Meeting of Ecclesfield Parish Council at 11.00am to be held via Zoom Video Conference on 24th February 2022.
Meeting joining instructions:
1) Download and sign up to the Zoom app on your computer https://zoom.us/signup
2) Enter the Meeting ID: 853 1299 1885 and then enter the Password: 713460
3) Alternatively click on the direct meeting invitation below: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85312991885?pwd=M21wRHk2V2dvcmkzelhwOWFHR05GZz09
4) To join via phone: and enter Meeting ID: 853 1299 1885 and Password: 713460
To view the agenda please click the link below:
https://ecclesfield-pc.gov.uk/document-category/agendas/ for the Staffing Committee Meeting of Ecclesfield Parish Council for this date.