
Ecclesfield Scouts (25th Section)

Category: Local Groups

Held at the Scout Hall in Ecclesfield, we have one Scout Section, who meet on a Thursday between 7:00PM and 9:00PM.

We have two Cub Packs – Early Cubs – Who meet on a Wednesday between 4:45PM and 6:15PM, Late Cubs – who meet on a Wednesday between 6:30PM and 8:00PM.

We also have two Beaver Colonies – Swallow Beavers – who meet on a Monday between 6:00PM and 7:15PM, and Amazon Beavers – who meet on a Thursday between 5:45PM and 7:00PM.

Please feel free to contact Shane via the email address for more information.

25th Sheffield (Ecclesfield) Scout Group
South Yorkshire Sheffield S5 9AL


Website: Ecclesfield Scouts Website